dimanche 30 octobre 2016

Propos sur la notion de "culture du viol" (D. Robichaud)

Sur les ondes | On air

(Université d'Ottawa)

Propos sur la notion de "culture du viol"

À l'émission Les Malins 

Samedi, le 29 octobre 2016, à 9h43 (écouter en rediffusion)
Ici Radio-Canada Première Ottawa-Gatineau (90,7 fm)

samedi 22 octobre 2016

Où est passée l'empathie? (D. Robichaud)

Sur les ondes | On air

(Université d'Ottawa)

Où est passée l'empathie?

À l'émission Les Malins 

Samedi, le 22 octobre 2016, à 9h51 (écouter en rediffusion)
Ici Radio-Canada Première Ottawa-Gatineau (90,7 fm)

jeudi 13 octobre 2016

Why Feminism Entails (Real) Panpsychism (J. McWeeny)

Conférence | Talk

(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Why Feminism Entails (Real) Panpsychism

Feminist philosophers have long argued that mind-body dualism facilitates oppression because it entails a hierarchical valuation of the mental over the bodily that respectively maps onto differential valuations of men and women, among other pairings. Recently, Galen Strawson and David Chalmers have championed the metaphysical position of panpsychism in virtue of its capacity to overcome the mind-body problem without positing emergence or generating conceivability problems in regard to the nature of mind. If Strawson and Chalmers are correct that panpsychism is the most viable alternative to Cartesian dualism—and I believe that they are—then the following question arises out of the intersection of feminist philosophy and philosophy of mind: Must feminism be grounded in a panpsychic metaphysics? This chapter develops an argument for the affirmative position. However, not just any kind of panpsychism is consistent with feminism. Unlike the versions of panpsychism advocated by Strawson and Chalmers, feminist panpsychism must be a “real panpsychism” that attributes minds all the way down to rocks, plants, inanimate objects, and so on. Not only is real panpsychism the only panpsychism capable of neutralizing the hierarchies that justify oppression, but it is also the only approach that can genuinely avoid emergence, thus making it one of the most desirable options in the philosophy of mind.

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

Dominican University College

mardi 11 octobre 2016

Reframing Chronic Poverty and its Alleviation (M. Deveaux)

Soup, Harmony, and Disagreement (D. B. Wong)

Conférence | Talk

(Duke University)

Soup, Harmony, and Disagreement

Is the ancient Confucian ideal of he , “harmony,” a viable ideal in pluralistic societies composed of people who subscribe to different ideals of the good life, and different comprehensive moral and religious beliefs?  Is harmony compatible with accepting, even encouraging, difference, and the freedom to think differently, to act against the social and moral expectations of others, and to aspire to different ways of life?  In my talk I identify the different dimensions of harmony, the relations between them, and their relations to difference and the freedom to express one’s differences with others.  I argue that there are ways of conceiving harmony, difference, and freedom and of trying to realize them that acknowledges the tensions between them, but also their relations of mutual support. I rely on some central passages in early texts that distinguish harmony from agreement and conformity with others, and which instead suggest that harmony must accommodate and make use of difference.  I discuss the Confucian uses of ritual to foster a type of harmony that can at the same time accommodate difference, and apply these ideas to the current situation in the U.S., where fear of difference threatens to dissolve into antagonism and political paralysis.

Friday, October 14th, 2016

University of Ottawa
Desmarais Hall
Room 8161

samedi 8 octobre 2016

Démocratie et déficit de rationalité (D. Robichaud)

Sur les ondes | On air

(Université d'Ottawa)

Démocratie et déficit de rationalité

À l'émission Les Malins 

Samedi, le 08 octobre 2016, entre 9h45 (écouter en rediffusion)
Ici Radio-Canada Première Ottawa-Gatineau (90,7 fm)