Toute l'activité philosophique de la région d'Ottawa | Everything about Ottawa's philosophical life
mercredi 2 décembre 2015
jeudi 26 novembre 2015
Leibniz et Diderot. Rencontres et transformations.
Livre | Book
Leibniz et Diderot. Rencontres et transformations
Vrin/Presses de l'Université de Montréal
Novembre 2015
Novembre 2015
mercredi 18 novembre 2015
Human Rights and Public Goods: Problems for Health and Beyond (G. Sreenivasan)
Conférence | Talk
Journée mondiale de la philosophie | World Philosophy Day
COVE (Carleton Center on Values and Ethics) Distinguished Speaker 2015
Sreenivasan is Crown Professor of Ethics at Duke University. He has
written a number of recent papers on human rights; on the nature of
rights generally; and on the relations between justice and health. He
is the author of two books, Emotion and Virtue (forthcoming) and The
Limits of Lockean Rights in Property (1995).
Human Rights and Public Goods: Problems for Health and Beyond
Thursday, November 19th, 2015
international law and in common opinion, there is clearly a human right
to health. But is there one in morality? What does this even mean?
My lecture explores some problems for moral human rights that arise from
acknowledging the importance to good health systems of pure public
goods, like herd immunity against measles or diphtheria. Evaluation of
these problems, as well as of various unsuccessful
attempts to solve or evade them, forces us to think hard about what it
means to say that something is a (moral) human right.
(a reception with refreshments begins at 5:00pm)
(a reception with refreshments begins at 5:00pm)
Carleton University
Dunton Tower
Room 2017
lundi 16 novembre 2015
Hobbes et Leibniz sur le conventionnalisme (C. Leduc)
Conférence | Lecture
(Université de Montréal)
Hobbes et Leibniz sur le conventionnalisme
Hobbes et Leibniz sur le conventionnalisme
Université d'Ottawa
Pavillon Desmarais (55, Laurier Est)
Salle 8161
mercredi 11 novembre 2015
lundi 2 novembre 2015
Le Lieu de l'universel, impasses du réalisme dans la philosophie contemporaine (I. Thomas-Fogiel)
Conférence | Lecture
(Université d'Ottawa)
Le Lieu de l'universel, impasses du réalisme dans la philosophie contemporaine
Vendredi, 6 novembre 2015
Université d'Ottawa
Pavillon Desmarais (55, Laurier Est)
Salle 8161
Virtue and Vice in Reproduction (K. Wayne)
Conférence | Talk
(Carleton University)
Virtue and Vice in Reproduction
Friday, November 6th, 2015
Carleton University
Loeb Building
Room B146
mercredi 14 octobre 2015
Apperception and Dark Representations (A. Brook)
Conférence | Talk
(Carleton University)
Apperception and Dark Representations
Friday, October 16th, 2015
![]() |
Source : Wikipedia |
I will explore two puzzles about Kant’s various treatments of apperception
in the two editions of CPR and what is usually called in English obscure
representations [Dunkeler Vorstellungen]. Dunkeler Vorstellungen are
representations “of which one is not conscious” (25:480). (‘Dark’, the literal
meaning of ‘Dunkel’, would be a better translation than ‘obscure’ – the
representations in question are more than obscure; we are not conscious of them
at all.) The two puzzles: 1. Given that Kant was fully aware that we have
representations of which we are not conscious, why did he tie apperception to conscious
representations exclusively? 2. Given that Kant discusses dark representations about
a dozen times in his popular works, why did he hardly mention them in his
serious philosophical/psychological works? The two puzzles are linked.
Carleton University
Loeb Building
Room B146
Kant and Einstein on the Causal Order of Time (D. Hyder)
Conférence | Lecture
(University of Ottawa)
University of Ottawa
Desmarais Hall (55, Laurier East)
Room 8161
mercredi 7 octobre 2015
mercredi 30 septembre 2015
Actualité de Malebranche
Date : 8-9 décembre 2015 | December 8th-9th, 2015
Location : Collège universitaire dominicain | Dominican University College
Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa
Organisé conjointement par le Collège universitaire dominicain et l'université d'Ottawa, le colloque "Actualité de Malebranche", trois cents ans après sa mort, invite autant des réflexions sur la pertinence proprement philosophique de Malebranche aujourd'hui que des relectures de Malebranche par les historiens de la philosophie pour comprendre les enjeux qui structurent son corpus et ont marqué les philosophes de son époque et ceux qui hantent sa "postérité".
"Malebranche Today" is jointly organized by Dominican University College and the University of Ottawa on the occasion of the 300 anniversary of the death of Nicolas Malebranche. The Symposium invites reflections on the philosophical relevance of Malebranche today, as well as readings of Malebranche by historians of philosophy in order to help our understanding of the issues structuring his corpus as well as influencing the philosophers of Malebranche's era and those of his posterity.
Appel à communication | Call for Papers
Exposés autour de 30 minutes | presentations of 30 minutes
Date limite : 10 novembre 2015 | Deadline for submitting abstract : November 10th, 2015
Envoyer à | send abstracts to :
Maxime Allard (Collège universitaire dominicain)
Delphine Antoine-Mahut (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
Mitia Rioux-Beaulne (Université d'Ottawa)
Conceptions of Justice, Contemporary and Historical
of Justice, Contemporary and Historical
Faculty of Social Science, University of
Friday Oct. 2, 2015
FSS Hall, Room 5028
Session One 9-12
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Prof. WU Xiangdong, dean of School of
Philosophy, Beijing Normal University
“Multidimensional Standards of Value
Prof. ZHANG Shuguang, former dean of School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University
“Discussion of Social Justice from the
Nature of Politics”
Prof. ZHOU Fan, School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University
“Supplement to the Critique of Justice and
its Discontents: Reflections on Allen Buchanan's 'Internal Criticism'”
Associate professor LUO Songtao, School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University
“Dialectic of Life: Reflections upon
Adorno's Moral Philosophy”
Dr. ZHENG Wei, School of Philosophy,
Beijing Normal University
“Boundaries of Justice”
Dr. Birsen Filip, Philosophy, Univ. of
“Wilhelm von Humboldt on Justice”
Prof. Douglas Moggach
“Freedom and Distributive Justice”
Session Two, 1-3
Prof. Sascha Maicher, School of Political
Studies, TBA
Prof. FENG Ziyi, Department of Philosophy, Beijing University
“Marx's Basic View of Distributive Justice”
Prof. YANG Haifeng, Department of Philosophy, Beijing University
“The Issue of the Subject in Marx's
Prof. LU Kejian, School of Philosophy,
Beijing Normal University
“New Family: Embryo of Communist Society”
Why Philosophy ?
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2015 - 19:00
Click here to see DUC professor Iva Apostolova explain what guests can expect at our next "Why Philosophy?" event.
Have you ever thought being a philosopher is mysterious? Perhaps difficult? Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to do philosophy 7 days a week? Then this dicussion series is for you.
Come join us for an informal, friendly chat with professor Mark Nyvlt. During the chat, Mark Nyvlt will answer several questions about his background in philosophy, why this field became a career, as well as the struggles and successes found in the philosophical life. Afterwards, members of the audience will be welcome to ask their own questions to learn more about this interesting and taxing endeavour.
Location: Dominican University College, 96 Empress Avenue, Ottawa, ON
Click here to see DUC professor Iva Apostolova explain what guests can expect at our next "Why Philosophy?" event.
Have you ever thought being a philosopher is mysterious? Perhaps difficult? Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to do philosophy 7 days a week? Then this dicussion series is for you.
Come join us for an informal, friendly chat with professor Mark Nyvlt. During the chat, Mark Nyvlt will answer several questions about his background in philosophy, why this field became a career, as well as the struggles and successes found in the philosophical life. Afterwards, members of the audience will be welcome to ask their own questions to learn more about this interesting and taxing endeavour.
vendredi 25 septembre 2015
Les raisons de la taxation (D. Robichaud)
Dans le cadre du Cycle annuel de conférences sur la recherche en droit de la Section de droit civil,
ne manquez pas la conférence de DavidRobichaud, professeur agrégé au Département de philosophie de l'Université d'Ottawa:
Les raisons de la taxation
Le professeur Robichaud est un spécialiste d'éthique et de philosophie du droit.
Docteur en philosophie de l'Université de Montréal et de l'Université catholique de Louvain, il est co-auteur du livre Penser les institutions. Les défis contemporains
de la philosophie politique, publié aux Presses de l’Université Laval en 2012, 342 (avec P. Turmel et D. Anctil) ainsi que de l'ouvrage intitulé La
juste part. Repenser les inégalités, la richesse et la fabrication des grille-pains disponibleici.
Cette conférence sera présentée le mardi 29 septembre 2015, de 11h30 à 13h (repas fourni), au FTX202.
N'hésitez pas à transmettre cette invitation à vos contacts.
Bienvenue à tous et toutes!
lundi 21 septembre 2015
Perspectives on the Commons, Counter-Monumentality and the Decolonisation of Liberty
25 SEPT. 2015
10:00 – 20:00
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Pavillon Brault, room A0200 (entrance door 11)
101 Saint-Jean-Bosco street, Gatineau
10:00 – 20:00
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Pavillon Brault, room A0200 (entrance door 11)
101 Saint-Jean-Bosco street, Gatineau
Free / Gratuit
du commun is proposing a critical reflection on the Memorial to the
Victims of Communism that is planned to be built in Ottawa. The aim is
to open a space of reflection regarding the commemorative gesture and
its relation to contemporary conceptions of the commons. Organized
jointly with the opening of the exhibition "Monuments to the victims of
Liberty" at the artist-run centre AXENÉO7 (Gatineau), this symposium
questions the ideological instrumentalization of liberty by resituating
it in the neoliberal context, Western imperialism and Canadian colonial
history. “Nazism, Marxist-Leninism, today, terrorism – they all have one
thing in common: the destruction, the end of human liberty,” Prime
Minister Stephen Harper stated during a Tribute to Liberty dinner
evening. The obsession with security that underlies this unsound
interpretation functions like an incantation to ward off the exploration
of other progressive and radical political avenues.
with this plethora of gross historical confusions and ideological
simplifications, we propose to open a space for in-depth and convivial
reflection and to discuss the issues raised as part of the controversy
surrounding the monument’s construction. The symposium is structured by
three blocks: 1. The Transindividual and the Question of the Commons; 2.
Post-communist Monumentality; 3. Decolonizing (Canadian) Liberty. At
the crossroads of the various conceptual, aesthetic and political
approaches that will be mobilized as part of this conference day, we
hope the encounter will prompt renewed collective thought around the
impact of commemorative actions and their relationship to contemporary
conceptions of the commons.
Coordination :
Erik Bordeleau, Nathalie Casemajor, Dalie Giroux.
Collaboration: Peter Hodgins and François Lemieux.
Erik Bordeleau, Nathalie Casemajor, Dalie Giroux.
Collaboration: Peter Hodgins and François Lemieux.
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 11:45
> Frédéric Neyrat, « Prologue au communisme planétaire »
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Comparative Literature
> Erik Bordeleau, « Prises et entre-prises du commun »
SenseLab, Université Concordia
Discutant : Émilie Bernier
Université d’Ottawa, Département de sciences politiques
> Frédéric Neyrat, « Prologue au communisme planétaire »
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Comparative Literature
> Erik Bordeleau, « Prises et entre-prises du commun »
SenseLab, Université Concordia
Discutant : Émilie Bernier
Université d’Ottawa, Département de sciences politiques
11:45 – 13:00
Pause repas
(Offert aux conférenciers et partenaires)
Pause repas
(Offert aux conférenciers et partenaires)
13:00 – 14:30
> Yevgeniy Fiks, « Monument to Cold War Victory »
> Maria Silina, « (Cold)War and (Anti)Communist Agenda in Canadian and Russian Contemporary Public Art »
UQAM, Département d’histoire de l’art
Discutant : Peter Hodgins
Carleton University, Département d’études canadiennes
> Yevgeniy Fiks, « Monument to Cold War Victory »
> Maria Silina, « (Cold)War and (Anti)Communist Agenda in Canadian and Russian Contemporary Public Art »
UQAM, Département d’histoire de l’art
Discutant : Peter Hodgins
Carleton University, Département d’études canadiennes
14:30 – 14:45
14:45 – 16:15
> Darren O’Toole (Ottawa University, Faculty of Law)
> Stacy Douglas (Carleton University, Department of Law and Legal Studies)
Discutant : Dalie Giroux
Université d’Ottawa, Département de sciences politiques
> Darren O’Toole (Ottawa University, Faculty of Law)
> Stacy Douglas (Carleton University, Department of Law and Legal Studies)
Discutant : Dalie Giroux
Université d’Ottawa, Département de sciences politiques
16:15 – 16:45
16:45 – 17:45
18h00 – 20h
RÉCEPTION et aperçu de l’exposition « S’endormir près du monument pendant la révolution »
Galerie UQO, Pavillon Brault, UQO, Local A-0115
RÉCEPTION et aperçu de l’exposition « S’endormir près du monument pendant la révolution »
Galerie UQO, Pavillon Brault, UQO, Local A-0115
mercredi 16 septembre 2015
Russell on Memory (I. Apostolova)
Conférence | Talk
(Dominican University College)
Carleton University
Loeb Building
Room B146
Many-Minded Leibniz's Many Minds (G. Hunter)
Conférence | Lecture
(University of Ottawa)
Many-Minded Leibniz's Many Minds
Friday, September 25th, 2015
idea of “panpsychism” has recently become fashionable again. It holds
that minds, or mind-like things, are more pervasive and
ontologically primitive than analytic philosophers and philosophers of
science used to think. A major stimulus to the resurgence of panpsychism
has been the apparent impossibility of giving a plausible evolutionary
account of the mental. It is striking, however,
how much of the new panpsychism goes over ground already well explored
by Leibniz. This talk, written for a forthcoming collection of papers on
panpsychism, is about Leibniz’s right to be numbered among the
Friday, September 25th, 2015
University of Ottawa
Desmarais Hall (55, Laurier East)
Room 8161
lundi 14 septembre 2015
vendredi 4 septembre 2015
mercredi 2 septembre 2015
vendredi 19 juin 2015
The Philosophy of Lawrence Dewan: Metaphysics and Ethics
Thursday, November 5, 2015 - 13:00 to Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 13:00
Albert the Great Hall, Dominican University College, 96 Empress Ave, Ottawa, Ontario

The Philosophy of Lawrence Dewan: Metaphysics and Ethics.
Professor Lawrence Dewan, O.P., enriched the areas of Thomistic metaphysics, natural philosophy and ethics for over forty years. With the outstanding lucidity, depth and comprehensiveness of his work, Father Dewan’s research has become a point of reference for scholars working on various aspects of the legacy of Thomas Aquinas.
The specific theme of the Metaphysics and Ethics symposium is intended in part to elicit thinking on the personal contribution of Father Lawrence Dewan to both areas of philosophical research. This forum invites researchers to present proposals for papers related to the focus of the Symposium or subjects with a link to the main theme. Since the event is trilingual, we invite you to submit papers in English, French or Spanish. Graduate students are also encouraged to submit an abstract.
Abstracts should be no more than one page (double-spaced) and must include a contact email address or phone number, along with the name of one’s affiliated university. Deadline for submitting an abstract: September 30th, 2015.
Registration fee: $80 (reduced for students)
For more information on the symposium, please contact Eduardo Andújar, dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of Dominican University College at or (613) 233 5696, ext. 330 Discover Wisdom
vendredi 29 mai 2015
Hegel, la religion et la politique | Hegel, Religion and Politics
Appel de
Hegel, la
religion et la politique
Enjeux et
Dans la préface à la Phénoménologie de l’esprit (1807), G. W. F. Hegel soulignait que
son époque était en proie à de profondes transformations qui touchaient
l’ensemble des institutions en lesquelles s’étaient incarnés, jusqu’à ce
moment, les croyances, les principes et, plus généralement, « la conception
du monde » (Weltanschauung)
propres à l’Occident. Parmi ces transformations, celles que subissaient la
religion et la politique lui paraissaient revêtir une importance toute
particulière. Aussi n’est-il pas surprenant que de ses premiers écrits théologiques
de jeunesses jusqu’à ses travaux systématiques de la maturité, en passant par
la Phénoménologie de l’esprit, Hegel
se soit maintes fois intéressé aux bouleversements qui affectaient la façon
dont ses contemporains comprenaient les rapports entre l’Église et l’État, le
sacré et le profane, le divin et l’humain.
Il s’est certes écoulé un peu plus de deux
siècles depuis que Hegel a entrepris de rendre compte des transformations
politiques et religieuses qui, dans le prolongement de la Révolution française,
ont secoué l’Europe. Cependant, depuis quelques décennies plusieurs penseurs et
philosophes plaident en faveur d’une « relecture » et d’une
interprétation à nouveaux frais des volets politiques et religieux de la
philosophie hégélienne. En effet, si pendant un certain temps, la pensée
religieuse et politique de Hegel semblait avoir été « dépassée » par
le marxisme ou par le libéralisme politique, nombre de penseurs contemporains
soutiennent plutôt qu’elle contient des ressources conceptuelles permettent de
mieux comprendre la complexité des diverses transformations qui, dans le monde
actuel, affectent les rapports entre la religion et la politique.
Ce colloque intitulé Hegel, la religion et la
politique : enjeux et actualité est organisé par le Centre de recherche en éthique publique et
gouvernance de l’Université Saint-Paul et aura lieu les 15 et 16 avril, 2016 à l’Université
Saint-Paul (Ottawa, Ontario). Les
organisateurs sollicitent des communications (en français ou en anglais) qui
portent sur différents aspects reliés à ce thème. Les personnes intéressées
sont priées d’envoyer un résumé d’environ 300 mots (accompagné d’un court CV)
avant le 31 décembre, 2015 aux professeurs Martin Thibodeau ( et Sophie Cloutier ( Les personnes sélectionnées (15 janvier, 2016) devront envoyer le
texte complet de leur communication avant le 15 mars, 2016. Les propositions
retenues feront l’objet d’une communication de 30 minutes.
Call for Papers
Hegel, Religion and Politics
Issues and Actuality
In the preface to the Phenomenology
of Spirit (1807), G.W. F. Hegel stresses that his time is one of deep
transformations affecting the very principles, beliefs and, more generally, the
“worldview” (Weltanschauung) which
have shaped the whole set of institutions constituting the Western world. Among
those transformations, the ones altering religion and politics appeared to him
as crucially important. It is therefore no surprise that, from his early
theological writings to his late systematic works, Hegel wrote extensively
about the disruptions that were profoundly transforming the manner in which his
contemporaries understood the relationship between church and state, the divine
and the human, and the sacred and the secular.
Certainly, more than two centuries have elapsed since Hegel explored
the religious and political transformations that shook Europe in the aftermath
of the French Revolution. However, in the last decades, several thinkers and philosophers
have defended the relevance of Hegel’s religious and political philosophy.
Indeed, although it has often been argued that Hegel’s religious and political
thought appeared to be outdated by Marxism or by political liberalism, many philosophers
now propose that it contains the conceptual resources needed to best understand
the complexity of the diverse transformations that are affecting the
relationship between politics and religion in the contemporary world.
The conference Hegel, Religion and Politics: Issues and
Actuality is organized by the Research
Center in Public Ethics and Governance at
Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Ontario) and will take place on April 15th and 16th.
Proposals (in either English or French) must be submitted by email to Prof.
Martin Thibodeau (
and Prof. Sophie Cloutier (
before December 31, 2015. Proposals must be 300 words long and accompanied by a
short CV. Selected writers will be notified by January 15th, 2016,
and will be asked to submit a 30 minute-presentation by March 15th,
mardi 19 mai 2015
Being Modern: What the Enlightenment Can Still Teach Us (D. Moggach)
Being Modern: What the
Enlightenment Can Still Teach Us
The 18th century Enlightenment changed everything. “All that is solid melts into air,” as Karl Marx famously describes the modern world the Enlightenment inaugurates. Institutions, religious beliefs, cultural values, even the sense of ourselves as individuals and our place in nature and society: these are all now subject to critical examination, and must prove their validity in light of human reason. This call to interrogate the legitimacy of reigning institutions remains a clarion call to human freedom, opposed to fundamentalisms of all kinds that continue to afflict the modern world. The Enlightenment is incomplete, but it sets standards of rationality and ethical behaviour that remain vital to our present-day concerns. In the face of challenges from irrationalists and sceptics, the legacy of the Enlightenment requires fulfilment, and not abandonment. So at least Doug Moggach, internationally renowned political philosopher will argue, with special emphasis on the figures of the German Enlightenment.
Speaker: Professor Douglas MoggachThe 18th century Enlightenment changed everything. “All that is solid melts into air,” as Karl Marx famously describes the modern world the Enlightenment inaugurates. Institutions, religious beliefs, cultural values, even the sense of ourselves as individuals and our place in nature and society: these are all now subject to critical examination, and must prove their validity in light of human reason. This call to interrogate the legitimacy of reigning institutions remains a clarion call to human freedom, opposed to fundamentalisms of all kinds that continue to afflict the modern world. The Enlightenment is incomplete, but it sets standards of rationality and ethical behaviour that remain vital to our present-day concerns. In the face of challenges from irrationalists and sceptics, the legacy of the Enlightenment requires fulfilment, and not abandonment. So at least Doug Moggach, internationally renowned political philosopher will argue, with special emphasis on the figures of the German Enlightenment.
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Ottawa Public Library Main Auditorium (120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, ON)
Biography: Professor Douglas Moggach has a doctorate from Princeton University and has held the University Research Chair in Political Thought at the University of Ottawa. His area of research interest is political thought and philosophy from 1650 to 1850. He was named Distinguished University Professor at the University of Ottawa in 2011.
jeudi 23 avril 2015
dimanche 19 avril 2015
mercredi 15 avril 2015
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