mardi 13 septembre 2016

Models in Geometry and Logic (P. Blanchette)

Conférence | Talk

(University of Notre-Dame)

Models in Geometry and Logic

One of the core questions in the philosophy of logic is the extent to which the formal tools of modern logic are faithful to the ordinary, non-formal notions that originally motivate work in logic.  This talk discusses the question of faithfulness as it applies to the notions of consistency and independence, and in particular to the use of models to show that these relations obtain.  The strategy of this talk is to discuss the development of the modern notion of model from its origins in nineteenth century geometry through its canonical formulation in the early twentieth century, and to discuss various ways in which the use of this tool does, but also various ways in which it does not, allow us to answer ordinary, non-formal questions of consistency and independence of the sort that a non-logician might be interested in.

Friday, September 23rd, 2016

University of Ottawa
Desmarais Hall
Room 8161

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